Lunch Dates

Lunch Dates

The other day, I was feeling grouchy. I had recently turned in edits for my next cookbook (excited to share with you soon!!) and I was experiencing that very real angst that comes after you finish a big creative project. You know the feeling—you’ve worked so hard on something, given it your all, and now… what?

For me, the best things to do when I’m feeling post-project angst are adjacent to my usual work. Eating delicious food, not cooking it. Weeding in the garden, not dreaming up plans for a new season. Writing fiction, not recipes. You get it! One of my favorite activities is going out for lunch dates with Graham. I keep a running list of restaurants I want to try, and I know this will make me sound like a grandmother, but I prefer lunch over dinner at a cool, new spot. I love lunch. There’s less pressure, less urgency, less stress.

Here's a wonderful lunch we enjoyed at Fava in Berkeley. And here’s to more lunch dates!

Recipe: Jimmy Nardello Time!

Recipe: Jimmy Nardello Time!

New Americanization

New Americanization