My Favorite Pizza

My Favorite Pizza

Maybe it’s because we can walk there from our house. Maybe it’s because we went there on our first date post-baby. Or maybe it’s because the crust is consistently chewy and spotted like a leopard and the toppings are classic without being boring. Whatever the reason, Benchmark makes my favorite pizza.

Our friends Erin and Kevan introduced us to the pro-move of ordering a kids’ pepperoni, which is in fact the same size as an adult pizza but comes topped with grated mozzarella instead of fresh, and sometimes a classic cheese pizza is exactly what you want.

Once I saw a woman sit down at a table outside and enjoy a cocktail and an ice cream sundae made with swirled chocolate and vanilla Straus soft serve—a completely perfect order, if you ask me.

My Favorite Tofu

My Favorite Tofu

5 Years

5 Years